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birthday prayer for first born daughter
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May you continue to shine bright, and to fulfil all that God has planned for you. Lord, grant my first child the courage, and wisdom to face the challenges of life head-on. Knowing that you are my flesh and blood gives me indescribable joy. 40 best birthday prayers for a daughter, all separated by category. Happy birthday, daughter. I believe it will send her off into her next year of life the right way. Today may be ordinary to other people. (on the other hand, you can copy it, and send to your first born alongside a firstborn child birthday gift. Amen. Amen. Happy birthday, baby. I pray that you would help mydaughter know she will not find it anywhere else. What is the essence of life if we dont create memories? I am so grateful for you and cant imagine life without you. . 65. and spent 92 days in the NICU. Amen. As you celebrate your birthday this particular day, may the Lord shower you with His favour. Youre created with purpose, and you will fulfil purpose. Guide her decisions, and give her wisdom when she needs it. Haooy birthday my niece! In your coming years, may you never be put to shame. 49. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Since you are already bright, smart and beautiful. 36. My angel, may the years ahead bring you clarity and strength. Im so hopeful that you will have a fulfilling and beautiful life ahead. As you turn a year older, may Gods faithfulness continue to speak for you. Until you came along. Youre so loved, darling. Amen. Love you, darling child! Happy birthday, sweetheart. Jesus, my Savior, I come to You with so much joy in my heart. AMEN! Happy Birthday dear first born niece! Happy birthday to my first born, I give thanks to God on your behalf today for his unending guidance and . Wouldyou please guide my daughter as she chooses her friends? And may your needs continually be met. I love you! Gracious God, we give You thanks for the gift of our niece who is celebrating her first birthday today. Love you, baby! I pray that you will keep her safe in your loving arms, and bless her with a very happy birthday. I couldnt wait to have a little more estrogen in a house full of testosterone. May your life be full of blessings. All the happy and sunshiney wishes for you, twins. Amen. 16. Heavenly father, today bein the birthday of my firstborn son, I come to you and ask for wisdom and guidance as you raise your son and help him grow into a responsible and loving adult. 23. But Lord knows that I will do right by you, and will try to raise you up in the right way. Amen. I remember the absolute joy of meeting him/her and becoming his wife/husband. Any need that I have with parenting, I am learning to bring it to the feet of Jesus. Happy one year birthday, daughter-shine. Dear Lord, on this special day of my daugthers birth, I thank You for the special gift of life You have given her. May Gods presence be with you for the rest of your days. Since youre too young to understand, instead of just wishing you a happy birthday, I pray a happy birthday prayer over you. Dear Lord, I am so thankful that you made all the right things happen at the right time for my son to be with her. I pray she sees the beauty in each day and accepts every breath as a gift. Happy Birthday, my lovely girl. This Bible verse is also an amazing birthday prayer AND a birthday blessing! 3. the God never of joy I to you, my daughter. 76. From the beginning, your life has been a testimony. May you never become a write-off. May you always be blessed with what you deserve. May Gods peace that passes all human understanding be felt by every day of your life. 79. Happy Birthday Prayer for First Born Nephew, A Time for Gratitude: Thank You God for Another New Year of Life and Birthday, Powerful Birthday Prayer and Wishes for My First Son From Mother and Father. Heavenly Father, I am so thankful for your unwavering protection, guidance, and provision for my first child. Amen. 46. I cannot imagine a life without you in it. Help her choose you and live for you in everything she does. Happy birthday, baby! Please let her see how much she is loved, how dear she is to her family, and how important she is. Lord knows you have made our lives happy and full. May His watchful eyes continually rest upon you. I didnt know I could love someone so completely, with all of my heart and soul. May I know more this year than I did last year. Amen. May happiness and favour fill your lifes journey. Happy birthday, sunshine. Show her that by standing strong and not wavering, she will live her life much closer to You. 47. Happy Birthday Prayer for Daughter. There will always be a part of you in me, your son/daughter. Thank You for trusting me to raise her, for she is Your daughter first. Despite how cruel and mean the world could be, may Gods protection always be there for you. Happy birthday, sweetheart. AMEN! I cant wait for the many adventures well have together when all youre grown up! Happy birthday. We were surprised to hear them say girl! When the shock wore off, we got used to the idea. 44. 67. - Joseph Addison. Happy one year old birthday, angel. Fatima is a part of me. May this same goodness and kindness never depart from your life. 13. Happy one year old birthday, darling. I pray that you enjoy God's grace and favour as you grow older in life. May the mother have a healthy pregnancy, and may the baby grow and develop safely in the womb. May you lead the world someday with the spunkiness that you have now! I pray that You will give her the strength and courage to pursue her dreams and never give up. Lord Jesus, Thank you for my lovely daughter. May Gods blessings and favour be in abundance for you always, my girl. My youngest was born 11 weeks early at 3 lbs 3 oz. When the time is right for compliance, help her to bend. In love to our wives there is desire; to our sons, ambition; but to our daughters, there is something which there are no words to express.". By. Hurray!! To my firstborn son who ic celebrating his birthday today, I just want to thank God for the gift of life and for the blessing of a healthy and happy first-born son. May you continue to be a source of joy, strength, hope, and fulfilment to your parents. Happy birthday, baby. I cant help but be grateful that you chose me as your mother, and decided to be an important part of our family. As he journeys through life, grant him the strength to navigate all of the challenges that come his way. We are humbled by the joy and love she brings to our family. Bless the first year of your baby girl or that of your loved ones with these birthday prayers for 1 year old baby girl. 97. Please continue to watch over and protect them as they grow and explore the world. You deserve all the happiness in the entire world. As he enters a new year I ask that you would fill him with favor. May the universe favour you, bless you and be kind to you. Whenever I count my blessings, I count you, my daughter, twice. Dear daughter, it is amazing to see you start to get excited about your special day. May you be blessed with the strength and courage to surmount every obstacle that comes your way. May your life be filled with so much joy, laughter and comfort, as you turn a year old today. Birthday Prayers for a daughter in their 50s and beyond. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Dear Lord, thank you for my beautiful daughter. 83. Praying for them is an important part of helping them get to that point. Happy birthday, honey. Oh baby girl, as you stare at the world with wonder, you have no idea just how loved you are. continues along the path you've chosen for them. But I was so wrong! I lift upmy daughter to you. God never gave up on you and on us. I thank God for all the blessings He has given you. 27. Give her a clear sense of things that are of you in this world, and things that are not. And I pray for you with all of my heart that evil will always be far from you. Happy Birthday to the sweetest twins. If you click on a link, I may earn a small commission, at no extra cost to you. Haooy birthday my firstborn nephew. Love you so much, dear. As we shower you with birthday wishes today, may we notice the good things more than the bad, and celebrate how far we have come in one short year. We pray that You would guide him in his life and draw him closer to You, Lord. 80. I have so much love for you, baby girl. 2. Here are 10 powerful prayers for that special person to help you pray for her on her birthday. "A daughter is a day brightener and a heart warmer.". You make our world a happy and content place. Happy birthday to my first son who is the eldest child, lord I pray that you Help him to recognize the many blessings You have bestowed upon him and to use them for Your glory. May these also extend to your parents and loved ones. In the name of Christ Jesus, Amen. Lord, thank You for my daughter on her special day. HBD firstborn nephew! 7. Have a blessed birthday, today, and with each birthday we get to celebrate the rest of your life. I ask you to protect her. Prayers for My Daughter's Friends Happy one year birthday, dear girl. I ask these things in Jesus name. My beloved daughter, on your birthday, I pray that the Heavens bless you with the most important . Your girl needs as many prayers as she can get. Happy first birthday, sweet girl. Dear daughter-in-law, you have no idea how much you have blessed this family for the better. Its your day baby, and I oray that as you grow uo into a woman of honor, May you never worry, but always look forward with anticipation. Happy birthday, love. Haooy birthday to you my firstborn son! 66. Love you! Allow me to pour love into her, and provide her a safe place to vent and seek guidance when needed. But Gods eyes see all, and He protects those that are His. 4. Amen. Thank You for hiding them in the shadow of Your wings and protecting them from harm. Alongside your mother, youre the greatest motivation I have for working hard, for staying consistent and disciplined. The greatest gift life has ever given me is you, I am glad you are my daughter, happy birthday love. 19. May your 10th birthday be as fabulous as your presence has been to my life. But I wouldnt have things another way. I pray to God to bless you with peace and happiness. 8. 20. "I thought by now I wouldn't miss you as much, but you left such a hole in my life. Help us to be good role models and to nurture their spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being. As you celebrate their first birthday, take a moment to offer a heartfelt prayer of thanks and blessings for your precious first born child. I pray that the Lord would bless you and enlarge your territory! I hope you realize the special gifts you are bringing to the world just by being yourself. In a special way, We thank You for (name). We ask may You grant him many blessings as he celebrates this special day, and may You grant him a special relationship with You, Lord. You will always be a reminder of Gods goodness and kindness. May joy always find its way into your lives! Sign in Happy birthday, dear. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I was smitten from the start. That you learn how much Jesus loves you al the days of your life and beyond. Amongst the whole drama surrounding the goings and doings of this world, On his birthday, Lord I oray for my firsborn son that you will have a strong and personal relationship with God, and that he will seek to follow Gods will for his life. all the best to you. It can be hard to know what to do in certain situations with our kids, which is why prayer is so important. For poems about daughters consider the following: "Interstate Highway" by James Applewhite. I'm happy to be alive today, to celebrate your birthday with you. Happy birthday, my daughter. Help her to grow in purity and allow her to become a soldier for Christianity. And I pray that God will continually bless and increase you. May she be a blessing to this family and may she be blessed. Keep shining bright, dearest daughter! Happy first birthday, darling.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'limitlesso_com-leader-2','ezslot_15',117,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-limitlesso_com-leader-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'limitlesso_com-leader-2','ezslot_16',117,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-limitlesso_com-leader-2-0_1');.leader-2-multi-117{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Ever since you were a little baby to the day you became a teenage girly, you have always been the love of your mommy and daddy. We have decades to go! You have no idea how amazing you are and how much youve changed my life for the better. Happy first year birthday, sweetheart. 1. One of the best ways to connect with your grandchildren is to learn more about the world they experience. I could stare at you all day and not get tired. Show her how to live in Your will and follow Your ways. from when I held you at my breast -. 32. 71. You are definitely our good and perfect gift from God. Dear child, you are blessed by the blessings of the morning, you are clothed by the beauty of the afternoon; you shine bright and glorious, you will remain bright even in your night time (old age) in Jesus name. Would she learn to come to you for every single thing that she needs, and remind her that you are her provider. As she is tested, let her stay focused on Your word and keep a tight grip on her hand. Happy first year birthday, sweet child. 10. I love you so much. I can hardly picture a world without you both. Happy birthday my dear daughter! Every dedication working against me as first born, be destroyed, in the name of Jesus. 17. O Lord, as a first born, make me first in every area of my family, in the name of Jesus. May Gods protection continue to surround and abound for you. So thankful for everything you and everything God has given us! Enjoy your day my little princess! May your life be one that flourishes and continues to multiply. May your 3rd birthday be a day of celebration. 46. It is fascinating having a baby girl and then getting to watch her grow. May your days be long and full. May others know you because of her. 23. May today and the rest of your life be wonderful. Prayer for Unborn Baby and Mother. Especially around the time of my kids birthdays, it is a good reminder that it is so crucial to lift my children up in prayer. Give her pleasant thoughts, positivity, and feelings of safety. As you blow out the 10 candles decorating your birthday cake, dear son/daughter, do know that you make me exceedingly happy and proud to be your father. That the joy of the Lord continues to radiate through you. I saw myself, I saw your soul. AMEN! Dear God, please bless my daughter with both health and happiness on her birthday. May you always find all that you would need to survive and thrive and in this world. Happy birthday, sunshine!if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'limitlesso_com-portrait-1','ezslot_30',123,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-limitlesso_com-portrait-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'limitlesso_com-portrait-1','ezslot_31',123,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-limitlesso_com-portrait-1-0_1');.portrait-1-multi-123{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Here are 10 powerful prayers for that special person to help you pray for her on her birthday. We join hands as the parent to pray that he/she will always know your love and be surrounded by your grace. 9. Thank you for blessing my life for the better! Amen. May he always remember that You are with him, no matter what life brings his way. 52. And may the blessings extend to your family and loved ones. I will love you until the end of the universe. May God cause only the sweetest things to come to you in this new year. In Your name, I pray. 21. "The Pomegranate" by Eavan Boland. Today is one of my favourite days of the year. *Note: This post may contain affiliate links. So loved! Haooy birthday to you my wonderful first born Daughter, I Pray that moving forward, you will be surrounded by positive influences and supportive relationships throughout his life. Almighty God, today is my first born nephew birthday, and I thank you for the gift of his life. 12. 3. 26. with, you will always birthday. 26. May this day begin a wonderful new year full of Gods unconditional love and blessings. Gods blessing always. Happy first year birthday, dear. Hallelujah! end of the the stress of the day . Happy one year birthday, baby. These first birthday prayers for baby girl from parent will definitely make the day more special. Amen. and spent 92 days in the NICU. I woke up this morning celebrating a brand new year for you. 93. Im so proud to be your father, so proud to do this life with you. May my son walk after You, God, and fear You and keep Your commandments and obey Your voice. Amen. Amen. Happy first year birthday, love! My Beautiful Daughter Kira. May you always Prayer For 1 the coolest one-year-old I've ever met. Happy birthday to my first born son. Remind her to always come to You in times of fear and allow me as a parent to notice anything unholy that may be encroaching upon her soul. After taking simple steps to find herself closer to God, she wanted to encourage others to do the same. Youre so loved, my darling! In Jesus name, Amen! Gracious Father, today we celebrate the life of our firstborn. May your first year bring you plenty of blessings and favour. As my first little orincess celebrates her soecial today, I decree that this birthday will be filled with joy and laughter and may she always remember to be thankful for the blessings that God freely gives. Even when you were born so sick, and the prognosis was far from hopeful, He kept you for us. Happy birthday! Happy birthday!" "It's been so enjoyable to watch you grow. Happy 1 year birthday, angel. Help us count our blessings and appreciate each moment. Amen! Please protect her from all negative forces in life as she grows up to be a good person. "My Daughter's First Week" by Gennady Aygi. Dear God, I pray that my daughter will be flexible. I pray for the upcomingyear for my daughter. Heavenly Father, thank you for getting us to this day. Your arrival into my life gave me renewed hope and strength; things that were lacking before you. Let her stay centered on Your word, and I pray that every day, she strives to be more like You. May you find strength and understanding, to know that you can be anything you want to be in life. 29. May the Lord fill your heart with joy, line your path with grace, and surround you with endless blessings, my laughter mode activator. Marilee, your life has already been an occasion for hope and praise. My daughter is not even a teenager yet, and I find there are many times I have needed to be on my knees in prayer. I pray that her first birthday is filled with laughter, memories, and lots of love. May he be surrounded with the warmth of family and friends, and may he be blessed. Her passion is to encourage others (especially women) to learn how to walk with Jesus on a daily basis. 6. Faith comes by hearing your Word of truth. And her 1st birthday is a super good time to start, to speak words of strength and blessings in her life. My dearest niece, I go on my kness seeking the face of heavens today, I Ask for Gods guidance and direction as you make important decisions and choices in your life. See how colourful our lives are because of you! May your birthday be a blessed one, full of everything that brings a smile to your face. Help her to continually hear, read, and speak your Word so that she can walk through this life with a solid foundation of faith! Happy birthday to my first born nephew, I oray for you that as you go about life may you always remember the love and support of your family, and that you will always turn to God for strength and guidance in times of need. Allow me to be a listening ear and a support system to her, Amen. I am so thankful that I have a daughter as beautiful, intelligent, and honest as you. As you grow older, may your life be filled with testimonies and good reports. - Unknown. Dear, I'd want to first birthday with a long and And Boy My baby son, happy first birthday! 82. But the most important thing is even if we're apart I'll always . First birthdays bring all sorts of emotions that are hard to sort with. May you grow and achieve all of your lifes goals. You are the absolute best daughter any mother could ever have! May that hope become your own, and may you continue to . Because following God entails happiness, may you grow up to know and love God. This birthday more than anything reminds me just how thankful we are that you are alive today. with, and who to avoid. That Gods blessings overwhelm you, and you use them to share the light with the rest of the world. He loves our kids more than we will ever know. Happy birthday, son! name of Jesus. 18. May the mercy of God be here on the best day of your life, and may every day be more filled with Gods love than the last. Love you, baby. Gracious God, unto my nephews future on this soecial day I ask for your blessings, and oray for the opportunities and experiences that will help him to reach his full potential. Happy birthday, baby girl. Heavenly Father, I am so thankful for your unwavering protection, guidance, and provision for my first child. 15. May lack and want be far away from your dwelling. May you always find the right path. Happy birthday. 31. The world hasbecome such a different place since I grew up. Help her to find her place in the world, and let it be grounded in you. Happy birthday, blessed child. Happy 1st birthday, sweetheart. Jessie Synan is the owner of Pray With Confidence, which helps busy women overcome prayer obstacles. 50. 45. And to find the happiness that is inherent in Him. 54. Copyright 2023 Pray With Confidence | Wisteria on Trellis Framework by Mediavine. I am so grateful for the way your love has woven our . You have blessed me with another wonderful, loving year with my daughter.

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